Anger as veterans' parade canceled while gay pride march goes ahead [Excerpts]
About 3,000 former and current servicemen and women who served in wars ranging from World War Two to Afghanistan proudly marched through Doncaster town centre last August on the town's inaugural Veterans' Day.
But this year the local Royal British Legion branch claims it has been shunned by the council, and told the event could not be staged because of a "lack of amenities."
Yet Doncaster staged its first gay pride parade last Sunday, and a few weeks before hosted a civic parade in which dignitaries, community workers and the public took part.
Ken Wood, 46, a Coldstream Guards gunner who served in the Gulf War and is the district secretary of the Royal British Legion said: "All the Doncaster branches of the Legion are disgusted that there will not be a Veterans' Day parade.
"The council does not seem to care about the achievements of servicemen and women.
"I am not homophobic but the council supported both Doncaster Pride and the Mayor's civic parade."
Mr Wood said: "One of our Legion members spoke to an official at the civic offices who told him we couldn't have a parade this year because the council did not have the amenities.
"I rang the official and she effectively told me the police couldn't afford the staff to block off the roads. It's crazy, I went on the parade last year and only saw two community bobbies stopping the traffic.
"It's hardly down to finance or manpower is it? I asked her to put what she told me over the phone in writing so I could read it out to my members but I'm still awaiting a reply.
"I wrote to say I was sorely disappointed that we were not being allowed to parade in our own town. We just wanted to parade our standards and colours."
Doncaster Council initially said that the police would only provide officers for Remembrance Sunday, the St George's Day parade and the civic parade.
But now the council and the police have issued a joint statement saying they had not received an official request to stage the Veterans' Day parade.
(London Daily Telegraph Online, Last Updated: 9:45am BST 21/08/2008).