Glenn Beck's Mormonized Rant Against Christianity |

TBC Staff

“If everything that is called Christianity in these days is Christianity, then there is no such thing as Christianity. A name applied indiscriminately to everything designates nothing.”  B.B. Warfield

His wife called with a report that set him off, enough for him to postpone his back-stage, dressing-room lunch in order to record a nearly five-minute rant about it.

What prompted Beck’s ire was that a Christian school in which the Becks had planned to enroll their children had called to deny their application. The reason, according to Beck, is that they “just really can’t have in Mormons in this Christian school”…because, well, “Mormons just aren’t Christian enough.”

To the extent that the school actually put it in those terms, we can only give a partial “amen.”  Partial because the word “enough” as a modifier is grossly incorrect.  Saying, however, that “Mormons just aren’t Christian” would get a full-throated, unrestricted, Baptist-worthy “AMEN” from any Gospel-believing Christian – something Mormons decidedly are not.

But Beck says, with noticeable ire, “… I am sick and tired of this …” It’s not clear if by “this” Beck means that genuine Christians are, to his chagrin, increasingly becoming less amenable to referring to his flavor of heresy as “Christian” – which would be a very laudable thing indeed – or, if by “this” he means that this is the second Christian school which has rejected the Beck application for matriculation.  If it’s the former he means, then no longer tacitly accepting Mormons as “Christians” should be followed with a clear, consistent presentation of the Gospel to them.  If Beck means the latter “this,” then it’s refreshing to hear that he’s encountered, perhaps, a Christian institution that promotes sound doctrine.

Beck goes on, though, to make a profession that, superficially, would make any evangelical pastor proud.  (After all, Beck has preached in places like Ed Young’s Fellowship Church, a Southern Baptist church in Grapevine, Texas.  Young apparently gives an  “amen” to Beck’s profession, one presumes.)

“Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.  By His grace I have been saved” [Glenn Beck.]

Now, here is where a Biblically-informed believer ought to call a time-out, knowing that Beck is not actually a genuine, born-again believer.  He may profess Christ, but he assuredly does not possess Christ.  To be saved by grace, to genuinely call Jesus “Lord and Savior” must begin with the actual Biblical gospel of Jesus.  Mormons have “another gospel.”  (See Galatians 1 for details)

But Beck’s profession not equaling possession of genuine Christian faith is easily seen if we recognize that the Holy Spirit who saves is also the same Holy Spirit who sanctifies.  How are we sanctified by the Holy Spirit?  By His Word.  See such places in the Bible as John:17:17 and John:16:13.

This question, “are there Christians in (name a false religion),”  reflects a frequently misunderstood phenomenon, most often with regards to adherents of Roman Catholicism, but no less applicable for Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Eastern Orthodoxy, or any other either apostate or “Christianized” cult, or even with outright atheism.  God can – and does – save souls in any circumstance, because there is only one other circumstance – that of being without Christ in an enemy stronghold of false, damning beliefs.  But while God saves anyone in any circumstance, He also saves them from that damning circumstance.

“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.”  John:16:33

(Ahlheim, “Glenn Beck’s Mormonized Rant Against Christianity, Pulpit and Pen, 4/30/17).