Global Religious Freedom? |

TBC Staff

While the U.S. Federal Government is working to strip away parental rights and religious freedom in the U.S., "Major U.S. and British Government-sponsored Summits Defend Global Religious Freedom" in Washington, D.C. Is the U.S. Federal Government schizophrenic on this religious freedom?

“The good news is that there are overlapping alliances to advance religious freedom around the world. The Second Annual International Religious Freedom (IRF) Summit was recently held in Washington, D.C. (June 28 to 30, 2022). This action-oriented conference included dozens of civil society groups from those based in the United States such as the Religious Freedom Institute (RFI), founded by former U.S. diplomat Thomas ‘Tom’ Farr, to those based abroad.” 

Near the end of the article was a surprising honesty about the U.S. by the writer:

“What is also needed is a commitment by governments, particularly Western governments advocating a new sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI), to stop attacking morally orthodox religious communities abroad. From rainbow flags over U.S. embassies to draconian strings attached to vital humanitarian aid, a true commitment to international religious freedom would result in Western governments backing off on SOGI cultural imperialism.”

Will the current administration back off of the sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) "cultural imperialism"? Not likely.

[TBC: “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2 Timothy:3:13).]