Green Invasion of Christian Churches
by Tom DeWeese
When Communism “fell” in the late 1980’s, those who were busy scheming to impose global governance on the sovereign nations had a problem. Suddenly, the only super power in the world was the United States – the only nation on Earth based on the ideals of limited government, individual liberty and free enterprise. If American bedrock ideals of freedom took hold in the emerging nations of the old Soviet Empire, global governance was impossible.
What to do? The answer was obvious. Change America. Get her to join the community of nations with a proper attitude. Force her to learn her proper place. Target: America’s attitudes, values and beliefs. And to force us to quickly question those American ideals, elements of guilt and fear would be essential.
Two specific targets were identified: the American public school system and America’s Christian churches. These were the breeding grounds for the out of step American ideas. The schools taught us of the Founding Fathers and their courageous battle to recognize that we are all born with our rights as free individuals. And they taught us that it's government’s job to protect those rights. Moreover, the very source of those ideals, as stated by the Founders over and over again, came from Christian teachings. In short, Christianity is the root of American culture.
Throughout American history parents took on the role of teaching children boundaries, without which a free society cannot function. Children were taught at a young age to respect the rights of others; they were taught the rules of games, without which they could not be played; they were taught to not go into a neighbor’s yard without permission; they were taught modesty and loyalty and pride in their school, town, and nation. They were taught to be independent and take care of their own, without expecting someone else to do it for them. And they were taught that their property, ideas and dreams are their own, to control and pursue. These are attitudes, values and beliefs that make a free society possible. To get America to fall in line and accept the concept of global governance, these things needed to be changed – and fast.
Today, in the classroom, rather than basic academics, the children are fed a steady stream of pictures and stories of environmental destruction, supposedly caused by man. The text books speak of the earth only as a fragile victim of man’s development. The students are taught that the earth is their “mother” for which all good derives.
A fourth grade math book called Quest 2000 contains “math” questions like this one: Mindy read that a typical goldfish lives for 6 years. Mindy has a goldfish six years old. Should Mindy continue to buy goldfish? Explain your thinking.
Representatives of groups like the Sierra Club and People for the ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are brought into the classroom for days on end to talk to the children and indoctrinate them in the “green” message.There are no opposing views introduced (because that would interrupt the behavior modification process). Some children have been forced to watch Al Gore’s film, “An Inconvenient Truth” as many as four times during their school days.