Astronomers quantify number of extra-terrestrial [Excerpts]
Up to 37,000 extra-terrestrial civilizations could exist within our galaxy, according to new research published in the International Journal of Astrobiology. Using a computer simulation of a galaxy similar to our own, combined with the statistical information on extra-solar planets that have so far been discovered, the scientists believe that it is theoretically possible that there are many other planets in the universe capable of supporting life. University of Edinburgh researcher Duncan Forgan believes that anything from 361 to 37,964 intelligent civilizations could exist in our Milky Way using data generated from a computer model of the galaxy.
The first assumed that it is difficult for life to be formed but easy for it to evolve, and suggested there were 361 intelligent civilisations in the galaxy. A second scenario assumed life was easily formed but struggled to develop intelligence. Under these conditions, 31,513 other forms of life were estimated to exist. The final scenario examined the possibility that life could be passed from one planet to another during asteroid collisions - a popular theory for how life arose here on Earth. That approach gave a result of some 37,964 intelligent civilisations in existence
Of course the model was created using several major assumptions, none of which have been proven to be factual. The first assumption is that planet Earth is not unique in the universe. Most extra-solar planets have been discovered through indirect methods, such as detecting a 'wobble' in a star's orbit, or the periodic dimming of a star's light as the body passes between it and the Earth. But so far no extra-solar planets have been found to be actually capable of supporting life. The second assumption is that life is capable of spontaneously arising from non-living matter. That has been proven to be scientifically impossible. The law of Biogenesis states that life can only come from life. Yet evolutionists must assume that not only was this gulf bridged in the past, but that it is being bridged in the present. The third assumption is that if life evolved on planet Earth, then it must have evolved elsewhere. It has been calculated that the probability of a single protein molecule arising by chance is about the same as if you had a solar system filled with blind men who all solve the Rubik's cube puzzle at exactly the same time. The probability is so low it is considered a mathematical impossibility. The research goes on to state that even if there were advanced alien civilizations akin to that of mankind, that contact with them would be virtually impossible. The distances involved are simply too vast, even for radio communications. And that is assuming that we could communicate with them in a method that these extra-terrestrial life forms would understand, and that they would be benevolent creatures who could be reasoned with.
[TBC: As Dave wrote in the April 1995 newsletter “Many deceptive lies are instilled in the minds of today's youth via schools, literature, films and television. Popular delusions abound which deny God and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Two are now held generally worldwide: 1) evolution (taught as fact in public schools); and its corollary, 2) the existence of intelligent life on other planets. If life evolved on earth by chance, then why not elsewhere? The possibility that some beings may even possess science and technology far beyond ours is extremely exciting to mankind: we're not alone in the universe!”