Bales Memorial Wesleyan Church in Jamestown, N.C., was the first Christian house of worship to be targeted [the weekend of April 18-19] by militant LGBT advocates, who destroyed the church’s sign, broke windows and pulled parking signs out of the ground. Not stopping there, the homosexual activists tore up flowers in the parking lot and vandalized the church bus by scratching up its hood and jamming a sign through its front grill, according to the Christian News Network.
On Saturday, members of the Wesleyan church also found their church building covered with broken eggs, silly string, and pro-homosexual jargon fused with hate speech. Some of the spray-painted vandalism written on the outside walls of the Jamestown church included, “Gay’s OK,” “He hates you!” and “God loves [expletive]!”
The next day, “gay” activists struck another church less than 20 miles away in Greensboro with similar rage and destruction. Grace Baptist Church officials were dismayed to find their worship center vandalized Sunday morning with the signature window smashing and egg pelting over its facility. This time, however, silly string was replaced with toilet paper, which covered the church property.
Trademark pro-homosexual slogans were spray painted across the Greensboro church property, as well. The LGBT messaging differed slightly from what was discovered 20 miles down the road. “Straights support” and “God loves gays” were among the slogans tagged upon the church’s outer brick walls. In addition, the homosexual activists included a spray-painted rainbow across the church — the symbol of LGBT community support and membership.
The weekend attacks on religious freedom in the Tar Heel State will set both congregations back in time and money to repair the damages.
Bales Memorial Wesleyan Church Pastor Carl Pulliam disclosed to the press that it would cost around $10,000 to repair the damages made by the homosexual activists. The pastor of the Jamestown congregation is confused as to why his church was singled out, especially given the fact that homosexuals are always welcome to join services on its facility.
“I can’t tell you a reason that someone would target this church, particularly because this is a loving church,” Pulliam expressed in a statement he made to the media. “This is not a judgmental place or a place where someone would ever feel provoked to these kinds of acts.”
Pulliam acknowledged the silencing intent behind the attack, but promised that acts of hatred and persecution will not succeed in suppressing the Gospel message at the church. In fact, he says it will have quite the opposite effect.
“Someone meant ill will to this house of worship,” Pulliam explained. “This was done to stop our message. That part didn’t succeed. It actually perpetuates our message.”