In Hymn
I'm always suspicious when we talk too much about ourselves. Somebody pointed out that hymnody took a downward trend when we left the great objective hymns that talked about God and began to sing the gospel songs that talk about us. There was a day when men sang “Holy, Holy, Holy,” and “O Worship the King,” and they talked objectively about the greatness of God. Then we backslid into that gutter where we still are where everything is about “I.” “I'm so happy,” “I'm so blest,” “I'm so nice,” I'm so good,” always “I.” The difference between heaven and hell is the difference between God and I. Jesus Christ, by canceling His “I” was the Christ of God, not as I will, but as Thou wilt. The devil by magnifying his “I” became the devil-when he said, “I will arise, and I will raise my throne above the throne of God.”
A.W. Tozer(1897-1963)“Tozer on Worship and Entertainment,” Camp Hill, PA: Christian Publications, Inc., 1997, p. 96