Instagram bans Auburn club after it promotes March for Life |

TBC Staff

Instagram permanently suspended an Auburn University pro-life student group’s account after it posted a graphic to promote the March for Life, an annual event in D.C. that calls for the end of abortion.

The College Fix checked Auburn Students for Life’s account on October 31 and confirmed it is still banned, two weeks after Young America’s Foundation first reported on the punishment.

The Big Tech company notified Students for Life at Auburn University that its account would be banned for failure to adhere to “Community Guidelines on business integrity.”

“We were banned permanently for a regular post promoting the March for Life,” Samuel Hass, a board member with the campus pro-life group, told YAF.

“This is a scary reminder how much power these corporations wield over our lives,” Hass stated, according to YAF.

Auburn SFL, in a statement provided to The College Fix on Tuesday, said that on Oct. 13, their social media director appealed Instagram’s decision and asked for further clarification. The next day, Instagram responded saying that a potential reason for the ban was that the group “pretended to be someone else,” student President Gwen Charles said via email.

“Our Social Media Director responded to Instagram stating why we should get our account back. Since then, we have heard nothing, and our account remains banned,” Charles said.

“This type of big-tech censorship is nothing new to the pro-life movement. … Small groups like ours must not remain silent when it comes to this censorship. Our group has informed our over 130 members of this and we have encouraged them to continue speaking up for life, on social media and in person. If we are going to ultimately win, we need to continue to work to change hearts and minds about abortion. The Truth is that abortion ends a human life, and we long for the day when it is illegal and unthinkable. Our chapter is more motivated than we have ever been in the fight for life,” Charles added.

The action by Instagram, owned by Facebook, appears to have been sparked by a routine announcement on the group’s account, which informed followers that registration was open for the pro-life rally in Washington, D.C.