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Former Israeli FM gives self-hate demo in Spain [Excerpts]

He was supposed to represent Israel - the nation reborn out of the ashes of Auschwitz - when former Israeli foreign minister Shlomo Ben-Ami addressed the Spanish Parliament in honor of International Holocaust Remembrance day [January 28].

Instead, the ultra-leftist gave a superb demonstration of Jewish self-hatred, sending waves of anger through the Spanish Jewish community and causing an uproar in Israel.

Ben-Ami, who during his tenure in the Foreign Ministry strongly promoted appeasing Israel's Arab enemies, told the Spanish lawmakers that Israelis were clinging to a victim mentality and thereby preventing Israel's ability to have good relationships with the world.

Sabotaging Israeli leaders' efforts to galvanize the world into confronting the Iranian nuclear threat, Ben-Ami said it was counter-productive to draw comparisons between Hitler, who sought to exterminate all Europe's Jews, and Iranian megalomaniac Mahmoud Ahmdinejad, who is making preparations to detroy Israel.

Making such links, he declared outrageously, "gave legitimacy to some Palestinian comparisons between Israel and the Nazis."

[TBC: We have noted previously that some prominent Jews are very outspoken against any Jewish presence in the Middle East. Yet, numerous scriptures testify that the Lord will bring them back into the land before their end time national repentance (Jeremiah:5:10, 5:18, 30:11; 46:28; Ezekiel:11:13, etc.). The Lord’s return to save Israel occurs before their prophesied repentance as Zechariah 14 points out. They therefore must return to the land and it is a legitimate conclusion that today’s occupancy is a part of that.]