Israel’s Intent |

TBC Staff

The findings of a delegation of the World Council of Churches, upon returning from a visit to Beirut and Jerusalem is that "Israel's assault on Lebanon was planned even before Hizbullah attacked and was aimed at driving a wedge between the different faiths that have been living in harmony in the country. We came back from Lebanon sharing the impression that this destruction was planned.  And if the action by Hizbullah was the trigger, this was a planned operation all ready to go." The World Council of Churches represents 348 Protestant, Orthodox, Anglican and other churches and works cooperatively with the Roman Catholic Church ("Jerusalem Post," 8/17/06).

[TBC: To the World Council of Churches, it very reasonably seems that they do not care that missiles have been indiscriminately fired into population centers in Israel for months (years) prior to the Israel incursion. No rational individual blames a dog who is constantly kicked for occasionally biting back. Having divorced themselves from biblical truth, the World Council of Churches have cultivated a selective blindness. Inevitably they divorce themselves from reality.]