“We stand with you, brothers and sisters,” he said. “The world stands with you.”
The supportive statement comes after Iran’s foreign minister tweeted a “hypocritical” tweet days before Christmas.
"A very happy and peaceful Christmas to all. May Christ's universal message of peace be embraced in the coming year,” he said.
Netanyahu says, however, that the Christmas greeting is hypocritical because Iran has been ranked as one of the world’s harshest persecutors of Christians.
"I wonder what the Christians jailed this month in Iran would think about that tweet," he said in a taped message posted on his Facebook and Twitter pages.
In Iran, house churches are considered illegal and government security raid the churches regularly. Many of the worshippers and leaders are imprisoned, while bibles are confiscated.
"Imagine praying quietly in your home, surrounded by your family—and all of the sudden, armed thugs burst in and drag you away to prison. They torture you merely for practicing your Christian faith. Welcome to Iran. Saying 'Merry Christmas' while jailing Christians in your own country is the height of hypocrisy," Netanyahu said.
This is not the first time that Netanyahu has brought awareness to the persecution of Christians in Iran.
(Amanda Casanova, “Israeli Prime Minister Takes Stand for Persecuted Iranian Christians,” ChristianHealines Online, 1/2/18).