The Word for the Wise
As I’ve reflected back on the issues TBC has addressed in 2004, they all seem to be related to and symptomatic of one thing: evangelicals are being weaned off the Word of God. Certainly it didn’t just start last year, but it seems as though the process took some giant steps, thanks (or no thanks) to Hollywood helping us “understand” the Scriptures, and business gurus and psychologists helping us re-“S.H.A.P.E.” the church.
Ironically, those pastors driving the sheep in that direction see it as a means to a great new national and international “spiritual awakening.” To the contrary, evangelical Christianity is being “drugged.” The so-called revival pill is the “form of godliness” devoid of God’s power that the Apostle warned would characterize the “last days perilous times” (2 Tm 3:1,5).
“To the law and to the testimony [God’s Word]” (Is 8:20). Let this be our wakeup call!
Pray for pastors that they might truly feed their sheep God’s Word. Pray for churches that they make the Word himself and His words their most important program. Pray for yourself that God would give you a greater hunger for His Word and help you to minister to others through it.
T. A. McMahon
Executive Director