Letters | thebereancall.org



Just wanted to pass on a word of encouragement for the work you are doing. We have recently had quite a few members of our church leave because of their Calvinistic beliefs. We thought we knew somewhat of what those beliefs were until we ran across your YouTube videos and, wow! What a blessing. You have a great way of explaining things in easy-to-understand details, step-by-step refuting their points. This will help us debate with them and share with other members of our church. It is mind boggling how any believer can be deceived like this. It's good to have the knowledge that you have passed on with your years of studying. B&TC (email)

Dear Dave, Tom, and Co.,
Thank you for the many years you have dutifully adhered to the Word of God and not been afraid to expose error or falsehood wherever you have discovered it. I know you have suffered enormously for the stand you have taken...but discern, from letters of support in your newsletter, that there are still a few who agree wholeheartedly with you and have not bowed the knee to Baal....It was while listening to a tape of yours...that I realized my "doubts" about Billy Graham were justified, and when you came out against Catholicism, I could have cheered. So many movements, so many people you have exposed or warned about: the Latter Rain Movement, Kansas City Prophets, Promise Keepers, Alpha Course....For this we will be eternally grateful. Thank you for not being asleep on the job and for sounding the trumpet over Mormonism and other "isms," psychology, Calvinism, you name it (as you so often did). DH (Scotland)

Dear Mr. Hunt and Mr. McMahon,
This note is to say thank you for your ministry and for nurturing in my heart and life a love of the Truth. Your ministry is so needed today....Please pray for me that I may be found faithful in a small way to "speak the truth in love" and live above reproach in this place as a true witness for our Lord Jesus Christ. AC (prisoner, AZ)

The Berean Call,
As a Jewish believer, I want to highly commend you on your very biblically sound response: gentile believers shouldn't celebrate Jewish feasts, while Jewish believers should. I am very impressed by your insight....As far as salvation is concerned and resulting in belonging to the body of Christ, there is no difference between a Jew and a Gentile....The Bible says you should not change in what state you became a Christian. You had better heed it. If you were born a Gentile, be the best Gentile you can; if you were born a Jew, you had better be the best Jew you can....The Jew does a disservice to God by becoming a "Gentile," and a Gentile does a disservice to God by becoming "Jewish." DP (AZ)

Dear Dave and Tom,
I just like to thank you for your biblical teaching. It encourages and excites me so much. I am now 75 years of age and regret only that I have not heard of you much earlier. I pray that God will protect you and His Holy Spirit will give you even more of the true understanding of His word. WM (Switzerland)

Please take my name off of your mailing list. You know nothing about the Holy Spirit-that is not something to be proud of. I would take you up on your offer in March 2007 to point you out where you are wrong on the Holy Spirit, but I don't have the time and you are so obstinate that it would be a waste of my time. JI (VA)

Dave and Tom,
Recently I was able to listen to two of your audio files....The first, "Yoga and the Serpent," was eye-opening. When you went over the various groups that have the serpent on their "seal of approval or recognition" I was really surprised. I am ashamed to say that I had no idea that so many groups were involved. I took time to look up the medical creed that you referred to. What an eye opener!...Secondly, I listened to the link of a brief excerpt from Brazil. Thanks for sharing the truth. When you said that President Bush and Secretary of State Rice were wrong and why they were wrong, I said Amen. God will judge. I pray that God will open both of their eyes to the truth and that they might change course, even now. WB (AK)

Keep up the good work and thanks so much to you and Ruth, as well. Heal fast! No one can replace you. (From a high-ranking state official in the U.S.)