Jesus: Asian, Palestinian, or...? |

TBC Staff

As Christianity Today continues its move toward Progressivism, it also appears to be losing touch with Who Jesus is or at least His human origins. For example, in How Asian Artists Picture Jesus’ Birth From 1240 to Today they write: "Jesus was born in Asia. He was Asian. Yet the preponderance of Christian art that shows him at home in Europe has meant that he is embedded deeply in the popular imagination as Western."

The artists in this photo essay bring him back to Asia—but not to ancient Israel.

Down through the ages, many artists have created art that includes a Jesus that is not Semitic but perhaps European, Scandinavian or something else. But as wrong as these depictions may be, they don't claim that Jesus was born in Denmark, or Rome or ... It appears Christianity Today, which also embraces panentheist Richard Rohr, the occultic Enneagram and seems to be swimming on Critical Race Theory now informs their readers that Jesus was born in Asia. Even the secular New York Post picked up on the problems with this in Christian magazine ridiculed after insisting Jesus ‘was Asian’: ‘Did you guys read the Bible?’ 

Senior pastor of Western Ave Baptist Church Ekkie Tepsupornchai also responded to the article writing, “I am Asian. Jesus was not. Nevertheless, Jesus is my Lord. And His sacrifice granted me the right to become a child of God. That is all that matters to me.”

Real Clear Politics, again, not noted for the defense of biblical teaching, pointed out that according to a Catholic Priest: Christmas Is The Story Of A "Palestinian Jew" Born In An Occupied Country on a CNN show. That would be very difficult to do since there was no "Palestine." In a fifteen-minute video. Jesus was a Jew – Understanding Jesus’ background (He’d never heard of Palestine) Oren gives a history of the area and why the claim that Jesus was a "Palestinian Jew" is simply false.