June 23 - Choice Gleanings | thebereancall.org


DAILY READINGS: Joshua 4 to 5:12; Isaiah 1; Luke:21:5-38

Have I committed an offence?... 2 Corinthians:11:7

What are the marks of a good man? Paul makes a few suggestions in this passage (vv. 7-11). A good man should be transparent (vv. 7-9), and genuinely affectionate (vv. 10-11). Transparency is a difficult virtue, as it means one must be vulnerable and exposed to others. It means choosing to be humble, so others may be exalted (v. 7); and impoverished, so others may be enriched (vv. 7-9). When it comes to affection, Paul lived it out. It knew no bounds, geographically (v. 10), or personally (v. 11). Wherever he was, with whomever he was, he was boundless in his affection for the Corinthians. How much stronger would our homes and churches be, if men like this were leading! —N. C. Funston

All that is good, all that is right; all that is truth, justice and light; All that is pure, holy indeed, all that is You is all that I need. —T. Paris 

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