Keeping On for Jesus' Sake |

TBC Staff - EN

“O land of rest, for thee I sigh! When will the moment come
When I shall lay my armor by, And dwell in peace at home?

We’ll work till Jesus comes, We’ll work till Jesus comes,
We’ll work till Jesus comes, And we’ll be gathered home.

There are several more very meaningful verses, written by Elizabeth K. Mills back in the 1830s. But it is the heartbeat of the chorus that moves my soul. I do want to work in the ministry to which our Lord called and equipped me. And that is no credit to my account for this sentiment and determination. I have a calling, not just a "career." Mine is a passion, not a profession.

Romans:11:29 declares that “…the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” If our Lord has called you to salvation, you are still as called and secure as you were the moment you received His free gift by faith in His Son. If He has called you to the Gospel ministry, you are still called. The spiritual gift He has given you for service in His church, may have become stale and cold because of neglect and disuse. But there is no indication in the New Testament that He only equips anyone for a designated, limited time. Your spiritual gift and mine has not been and never will be subject to any man-made notion of “retirement.”

I want to keep on keeping on for Jesus sake, in His service. And I want to challenge my fellow servants, let’s work till Jesus comes, and we’ll be gathered home!

--J. Dun Gordy (Pastor, writer, long term missionary representative, and minister of the Gospel)