Letters | thebereancall.org


Dear Berean Staff,

As always, I am ever grateful to be receiving the Berean Call newsletter. It was God who heard my prayer, “Lord I want to know you.” I meant that with all of my heart. I just wanted to know Him! And have nothing to do with any false way. By His grace, He led me to one of Dave’s books, and it offered a free monthly newsletter. I didn’t want to be deceived any more. Each one of your newsletters has been invaluable to me [that we] can know God NOT by religion but by His Word. TS (IL)

Dearest Family at The Berean Call,

I was so sorry to hear of the Russians closing down on Christianity again [in your Daily Update.] I weep for my brothers and sisters who suffer so much and will suffer even more. Jesus will surely come sooner than anyone expects…I keep looking up.

I am listening to old audiotapes of Dave Hunt’s teaching from some 20 years back. What a great blessing, and so on target for today. I pray for all of you at The Berean Call. JD (Canada)

Dear Brethren at the Berean Call

I thank God for this ministry to continue blessing those with ears to hear the truth. God bless you, brethren, and thank you for the newsletter, which tells me the truth about this world and the many cults and other teachings. May my gift offering help you in any areas that need help. I am giving glory to God for this ministry to help the world understand the truth of the Word of God. I pray that He may bless you abundantly and guard you and keep you. FL (prisoner PA)

Dear Friends at TBC,

We have appreciated your publications over the years, but have been reluctant to support your ministry because of your pre-trib views. This one single false teaching has succeeded in creating a lazy, complacent “church” which has the attitude that “we won’t be here for the Tribulation—so why study?”

Some years ago when my husband shared Matthew:24:29-31 with a young Baptist man, his response was: “Well, if that’s true, I should get a gun and shoot myself right now!”

It is no longer “in the last days perilous times shall come,” for perilous times are upon us (2 Tim:3:1). Jesus Himself said, “in the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John:16:33). SB (CT)

Dear TBC,

In part three of Tom’s series on New Age Mysticism, he did a good job warning believers about the dangers of martial arts. The church tries to put a Christian label on all the ungodly and worldly things they love to be involved with. In the eyes of today’s believers, being involved with the things of this world is no big deal—it’s harmless.

The world is falling apart, the lost are dying and going to hell, the return of the Lord is near, and what are God’s people doing? Taking “Christian” karate lessons that may poison their minds with wrong ideas. Tom hit the nail on the head when he wrote, “many people today appear to have lost the ability to really think, holding contradictory beliefs,” and leaving the Word of God rarely studied or referenced among Christians anymore. If we continue to waste our time on such nonsense and don’t get busy studying God’s Word, and laboring for Him, we’re going to end up standing naked, ashamed, and empty handed at the Bema Judgment, watching our black belt go up in smoke with the wood, hay, and stubble. BR (IL)

Dear TBC,

Dave has passed away, and Tom is a worthy replacement for sure. It is he who will have to deal with or listen to Seventh-day Adventist [responses] as I see it. Thanks from a Seventh-day Adventist who appreciates what you do there—well, except for a couple of things. DT (GA)