Letters | thebereancall.org


Dear Berean Call,   

Thank you so much for thinking of us non-internet people. Your “Listen and Read” DVDs are perfect for me. Audio alone doesn’t really focus me enough to learn, but the reading and listening does the trick! I have also learned a lot from your excellent Biblically Thinking sets. The study guide for the Evangelism set was extra helpful. Keep up the good work. The description in the newsletter of the Christianity and Anti-Christianity book is right on. Mr. Andrews sure pegged the biblical prophecies. Unbelievable that he wrote it in the late 1800s. It reminds me of the amazement I experience when I reread some of Dave Hunt’s earlier work! “Spot on” as to what our world is beginning to experience. JE (NE)

Dear Berean Call,

Thanks for your wonderful newsletter! I always look forward to it. It is so full of information and advice for us to remain silent about what is going on. You are doing an excellent job. Dave [would] have been very happy. IF (Puerto Rico)

Dear T. A. et al.,

I and my late wife have been getting newsletters and books from  you for many years. I have often used the materials in my 23 years of jail ministry. I appreciate that your thoughts and mine always agree since we both take our theology directly from the Word of God. Apostasy was a major problem even in the First Century Church and has clearly not ceased to be a problem all these years later. Thank you for your faithfulness JH (GA)


Dear Brother T. A. and Staff,

I would like to share an event that occurred in the past that I will always remember. Back then, when this occurred, it was advertised that Brother Dave Hunt was scheduled to come to our town. At that meeting, approximately 1,800 were in attendance. Also in attendance were 19 Roman Catholic nuns seated on the second row, front and center! They all had pens and notepads. One of them even had a Bible. The topic was “The Gospel According to God’s Word” vs. “Another Gospel.” They were all taking notes. After the meeting was over, a conversation began between Brother Hunt and a number of the nuns! 

I am very thankful that The Berean Call is continuing the ministry of presenting the Gospel and confronting false teachings. Second Timothy 2:16 [indicates that] believers are accountable for rejecting the teachers and teachings. WR (MS)

To All of You at the Berean Call,

You have been a blessing in our lives for many years, and we are so very thankful for you. We have been taught, guided, encouraged, and strengthened by the biblical teaching and devoted,uncompromising perseverance to proclaim Truth and expose error. Thank you for all you’ve done—benefitting our lives, but even more we are thankful for the benefit to our children and grandchildren. Do not become weary in helping shepherd the people of God. We are praying for you. FJ (CO)

Dear Berean Call Staff,

Just a note to say the times we are living through now are very difficult and each day seems to bring more pain and problems. I am so thankful for your ministry that gives us the comfort that the truth has for us and the knowledge that God is totally in charge, making it possible to take one day at a time and trust the ultimate outcome.

I live in a senior apartment complex and we are still locked down. I am thankful to be here and we have no cases of virus here and are well taken care of. My prayer for you is that you be blessed with health, and thank you again for your ministry. CW (NE)


Dear TBC,

Just received your newsletter, and with gladness of heart I did read it. I would like to say that these scriptures that were written out were for my comfort, and I learned a great deal from them and strengthened my salvation as well. My gratitude to you all. May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be a blessing to you in this two thousand years and 20 of our Lord. In my conceptualization there are not enough words to express how I’m feeling and how pleasant it has been being in contact with TBC. LC (prisoner, CA)