Hi T. A. McMahon,
Decades ago, I listened to James Dobson while waiting to pick up my sons from school. I could never relate to what he was saying. It seemed like it was something I couldn't quite grasp. You are helping me to see why. And now I know that trusting Jesus and His Word fulfills us.
There are people in the church I attend who are dazzled by The Chosen. CP (email)
Dear TBC,
“Thank You” Brother for this illuminating work. Just to corroborate your words on Christian psychology, I heard it said, “if sin is the noun, self is the verb.” I couldn’t have put it any better myself. Shalom. TA (email)
Dear TBC,
Thank GOD Dave wrote [What Love is This?]! I was just about to jump ship; thinking that God CHOSE NOT to save members of my family. My feeling became, “If that’s the kind of HEARTLESS MONSTER you are, ‘God,’ I want nothing to do with YOU!” The RELIEF at finding out about this book, AND that Calvinism was as widely accepted as I thought, was enough to make me cry for joy! I ordered [the book] as soon as I could.
The sad irony was, I ordered from The Berean Call the day I also learned Dave Hunt died. I HOPE he got a “WELL DONE, GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT!” He deserved it. My book just about resembles a coloring book now, with all the highlighting. A BLESSED RESOURCE! The Calvinist view of “Will” almost takes humanity off the proverbial hook. I mean, Adam and Eve were told NOT to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and yet, they have no will to decide? If that’s the case, God puppeteered A&E to the very tree He told them NOT to eat from. So what? GOD made Adam and Eve sin? How does THAT work? J (email)
Dear TBC,
We just finished a 30-hr. class in Biblical Counseling. I can’t see anything wrong with helping people using God’s word—as long as we always use the Word of God, which is powerful and can heal any mental disorder. We have all as Christians helped a brethren at one time or another. We are called to encourage and build up the body. We are called to Love one another. And many times the Holy Spirit has intervened in many situations to help me with what to say to a brethren or unbeliever. LC (email)
Dear TBC,
This comment is in reference to that book God Calling that Dave mentioned at the end. No matter the tactic or method used to propagate error, the means of detection are always the same. As in my previous comment Jesus said in Matt:22:18But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites?
See All..., “Ye do err not knowing the scriptures.” In order to perceive a lie, you must know truth. And Jesus declares in John:17:17Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
See All... that His word is TRUTH.
I find it interesting, indeed, that when the federal government trains a federal agent to identify counterfeit bills, they are never allowed to handle the counterfeits. In this way, whenever they come into contact with one, they’re able to identify it immediately. And this I believe is the essence of what it means to be a Berean. God’s people ought to be so acquainted with the truth (the word of God), that when they are presented with a counterfeit, they are able to identify it immediately. I believe 2 Tim:2:15Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
See All... sums this concept up quite well. “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Anon. (email)
Good Morning,
Thank you for providing such good and accurate information about being Catholic. I am deeply grateful and I downloaded the information this morning. In a few weeks I will be visiting Catholic relatives. I pray for opportunity to share the good news with them that Jesus Christ is our Savior. And I pray they will be hungry and thirsty to know the truth. Your material, which is so easy to understand and backed up with scripture, will help me tremendously to share biblically.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you and the ministry. PR (email)