Letters | thebereancall.org


*Our purpose in this section is to simply show what kind of feedback we receive. We may respond to some of them in private whether or not we agree with their views.  

Dear TBC,

Having recently left a charismatic church, almost all of the resources to help those coming out of these false teachings are reformed pastors/churches or reformed [Facebook] groups. They will not permit certain ideas or bible teachers outside of their theology. We are at a church now that has reformed theology but they hid it. So we will pray now for what to do next as we cannot follow Luther or Calvin, but only the Lord Jesus. Thankful for what you are doing! Keep going! K (email)

Dear TBC,

An interesting point is that in Israel, there is a minority there who believe in the God of Abraham and, although they reject Jesus as Messiah, they do follow the Torah as opposed to the modern day pharisees who elevate the Talmud (tradition/words of men) over the Torah or even replace the Torah with the Talmud entirely. This sect of Jews who strictly follow the Torah hold the position that the Jew's return to Israel is premature because the Jews are still not upholding their end of the covenants. You can still find video clips of them being beaten in the streets of Israel by the military. So, while we have that going on, there are the heretics like Hagee on the extreme end of the political zionist/dispensationalists who state that all Jews will be saved regardless of whether they EVER come to faith in Jesus as Lord and that we should refrain from sharing the Gospel with them. That's right up there with the pope saying that Jesus isn't the only path to salvation. DK (email)

Dear TBC,

[Concerning your video Israel and the Church, see—https://bit.ly/3wLA4lf] Amen. I love & appreciate [Dave Hunt’s] sermons. With the Holy Spirit, they tend to guide your present & online parishioners. There are Baptist, & many other denominations in Christianity. I believe when Genesis:1:26 teaches "...Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…" reveals that possibly multiple persons created humankind. Matthewv/TIz7fhzY-BM style="text-decoration:none;"> 3:17: "...and a voice from heaven, said, ‘This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’” John:3:35: "The Father loves the Son, and has given everything into his hands." I believe God the Father & God the Son have one entity but have two separate beings. That's what I believe. NG (email)

Dear TBC,

I am feeling overwhelmed and outnumbered by the Israel haters so have been searching your website and discovered these readings of the newsletters on Israel. I’ve been posting the link to all the Israel info at the top of your website in hopes SOMEONE will look it up and get informed. I have received the TBC newsletter for many years, but I am looking forward to listening while I work—a new option for me since I now have unlimited data. These are as appropriate today as they were 20 years ago. DS (email)

Dear TBC,

I firmly believe that it is long past due in dealing with those who profess to be believers. Enthusiasm for our God in Christ sadly is nearly non-existent and surely breaks His heart. Why in the world should we attempt to foolishly compromise our victorious stance with Christ in this world. We must be “woke up” and embrace the Scriptures. Let me remind us as well in 1 Corinthians:1:13-31.

God bless you all and keep up the blessed work. Salvation is nearer than when we first believed. MT (prisoner, CA)