Letters | thebereancall.org



Brothers Dave and Tom (and staff, of course!),
Your ministry has been a blessing to me--more than I can express in words. If we never meet here on Earth, I look forward to one day meeting you in heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ! It is a great day to be an American, even with all of our ills and evils, but to be a citizen in heaven, that is something I can live for daily! We serve a risen Savior; He's in the world today. I know that He is with me, no matter what man may say!

[My wife] was in the hospital the whole month of April [2010] and it was a real time of growth for all of us, especially me. [We] took the opportunity to witness to the entire staff on the floor that she was [on] in the hospital [and] gave out tracts [at] every opportunity...one nurse thanked us for being a good testimony. The Lord Jesus gets all the credit. He is the One who redeemed my wicked soul at Calvary! Psalms 39-41 is what the Lord really used to help me to grow during that time. Praise Him for His wonderful works to the children of men! WS (WI)

Dave and Tom,
There are 1,000 do-gooder organizations lined up at my door and none of them are speaking the Name of my Lord and Savior. You two send me information all the time that I consider more valuable than anything else that is being offered and you never have your hand out. May God continue to bless your ministry.... BL (Canada)

Thanksgiving and praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to you all who are ministering at The Berean Call. Besides Brothers Dave and T. A., I have been especially blessed by Mrs. Ruth Hunt and the lesson she gave to the ladies concerning Matthew:11:28-30. I have shared that with my sisters and my 81-year-old mother. How refreshing and encouraging to us. The How to Study Your Bible DVD by Bro. William MacDonald has also been very encouraging. Of course there is much more. I have not been disappointed in the lessons. My only regret is that I did not begin sooner with you all. YB (LA)

Dear Friends at Berean Call,
What a wonderful blessing and answer to prayer! Yes, Lord, we thank You for this ministry to Your servants behind bars! [Receiving the book The God Makers] is no coincidence, since I got the books today, and an hour later was transferred to another yard, where I am bunked with a Mormon....I will be out next year, Lord willing, so that's all I'll ask, except for your prayers and continued newsletters.... JG (CA, prisoner)

Dear Berean Call,
We were sitting in Sunday school when our pastor earnestly encouraged us to read The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns. [My wife] whispered to me that this was the book she just read about in The Berean Call. Wow! [She] had not read TBC for years but had made it a point this time....(We now see the Holy Spirit at work!) Last week we humbly gave our pastor a copy of your critique plus information showing the affiliation of George Soros (Global Fund, etc.) with World Vision. You have made it clear that Humanitarian Aid is being used as a weapon of Satan to further World Government. We are wary of any organization that feeds people without first feeding them the true Bread of Life, Jesus Christ. J&SL (TX)

Dear Dave, 
I have been reading your newsletter for some time now and although I agree with you on most of your topics I must tell you that the piece you did on Richard Stearns's book The Hole in Our Gospel was an atrocity. I know that Richard Stearns is a believer and he is all about doing the work of Christ. In his book he explains why he is doing the work he does, and the reason every believer should do the same. Christ is about love, and we are told to help the poor and needy, the widow and the orphan. If more believers were doing these things in Christ's name instead of putting the people down who do what we are called to do there might be a chance to spread the Gospel to the whole world instead of people around the world hating the people of God. Yes we need to be careful of whom we align ourselves with for we do not want to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. There are so-called churches out there that do not teach or preach the truth and are a part of the emerging church even in my area, which is way out in the country. I just left a church because of this very fact....I thank you for taking the time to read this. I am going to ask at this time to please take my name off your mailing list for the Berean Call newsletter. Thank you very much. MJ (email)

Dear T. A.,
I'm glad to see the new format and more to read. I love it. More NewsWatch and Letters and Q & A, etc. Your article "Apostasy and Its Antidote" was terrific, right on! Your exposure of the Purpose-driven apostasy was excellent-and about time. It needs to be exposed for what it is....Purpose-driven, seeker-sensitive, and emergent false leaders now have their churches full of unrepentant people who are undiscerning, being deceived into a false gospel that has the curse of the Law on it. Just like Jesus told the Pharisees and Sadducees who were the religious leaders of that day, "You are of the synagogue of Satan...you are of your father, the devil." Jesus didn't sit down and say, "Well, now, boys, let's just take the good out and work together." He saw the curse on it and told them so and rejected it all....We are being led by deceived leaders back under a curse. Thank you for presenting the truth and being faithful. JM (MN)

The Berean Call:
As many times as I have listened to Glenn Beck, I have never heard him try to convert anyone to Mormonism. I have heard him refer to Jesus as "my Lord and Saviour." He has done more than anyone to explain in detail many of the things that are going on in our country. He backs everything up by proof with videos. I thank God for Glenn Beck. He encourages everyone to come back to God. He is the type of person that investigates all things thoroughly. So don't be too quick to judge. He spends time in prayer every day. Many times he quotes Scripture that fits right in with what he's trying to bring across. The Scriptures say, "Draw near unto God and He will draw near unto you." The Holy Spirit will reveal truth to Glenn Beck....I am asking you at this time to take my name OFF your mailing list. AH (PA)

Dear Tom,
I am a pastor, and I was at the graduation last year at Liberty where Mr. Beck spoke. I was finishing my degree and was sitting amongst the kids. I continued to ask the kids around me if they knew what he was saying when they clapped and shouted. No one was able to tell me. All I [could do] was pray. It ruined my graduation. You see, I know what Beck taught; I planted my first church in St George, UT. I am one standing up against the heretical teaching around us, and I am paying dearly--my church just continues to shrink. I just wanted you to know that there are some men still holding to the true gospel of Jesus Christ and are paying for doing it. EH (email)

Dear Mr. McMahon,
Thank you so very much for your article on Glenn Beck. While we listen to his radio program and watch his TV show, we have been very concerned about his particular brand of "Christianity" and the influence it is having on the church at large. He has been very informative about the movements within our country to destroy our freedoms and bring us under a one world government but we know his answers are not biblical answers. Keep up the good work. The Berean Call has been a Godsend for us over the years. SE (SD)

Your March 2011 newsletter arrived today and I eagerly broke its seals. I read and re-read the articles and Q&A letters throughout the month. I was alarmed by the printed message on the outside cover stating "this could be your last newsletter." Yes, we do want to continue receiving a print copy of TBC's monthly newsletter! Unlike the publications produced by some other groups, your newsletter is something that we as homeschool parents are happy to leave in places where our children can find and read. The content is clear, Biblical, and well written--and you don't resort to titillating, upsetting, or fear-mongering headlines or content that would be inappropriate for minors to see. God bless you and your ministry! D&DG (IL)

Dear T. A.,
On Friday, February 25, professing Christians, Dave Roever, James Robison, and David Barton were guests on the Glenn Beck Show, along with Rabbi Daniel Lapin. I don't question these mens' walk with the Lord (Roever, Robison, and Barton). But I do question their participation on this show. One of Beck's themes has long been turning back to God as the thing that will save this country, à la "If my people..." from Scripture. But Beck has made it well known that he is a Mormon; the god he worships certainly isn't the God of the Bible. I don't know if the Rabbi is converted to Christianity or not, but if not, he denies the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our sins.

During the approximately half hour [that] I watched, I saw a lot of "back patting" and agreeing with Glenn on needing to get back to God. The only "strong" Christian witness I heard was from Roever, saying all the right words about Jesus paying for our sins with His shed blood. But absolutely no rebuke of the Mormon god that Beck worships, from anyone. And taken in the context of the show, Roever's comments rang hollow, at best, and at worst could make one feel that the Mormon god and the True God are one and the same. Are Christians really this duped? Do they not see what they are doing? When will Christian leaders stand up and say, "Glenn, we may agree with the conservative principles, you espouse, but you are in gross error in your belief about God"? When will the idea that conservatism and Christianity are one and the same be exposed for the lie it is?

I am a staunch Reagan Conservative. But my conservatism and my Christianity are not one and the same thing. I am a Conservative because it fits more in line with my Christian beliefs. I fear we are experiencing the rise of a new cult of "Christoservatism," where folks think that being conservative is what will save them. DM (PA)

Dear Dave and Tom,
So many times through the years I have wanted to write to you and tell you how much I appreciate your ministry. I guess laziness kept me from doing it, but today I'll do it....Yours is a hard job, but I'm so glad the Lord put it on your hearts to do it. I am amazed at the number of Christians who are unaware of the false teachings that abound. And it is so very disappointing to see the numbers who seemingly don't want to know! There seems to be such a lack of desire to feed upon the Word of God!

I have a few of your books and have found them very helpful. I just picked Whatever Happened to Heaven? off my shelf a couple of weeks ago and devoured it for the fourth time! (Yes, my memory is that bad!) Now I'm re-reading The Seduction of Christianity. What Love Is This? is priceless! How I ache for my loved ones who truly love Jesus but are "caught up" in Reformation views in regard to allegory, Israel, and prophecy! I hope you'll be able to continue your ministry for years to come. JB (GA)

Dear Dave,
I'm re-reading Renald Showers' book What on Earth is God Doing? Satan's Conflict with God, the early section on the church's apostasy, and my heart became full of joy for you, your faithfulness, and your sound biblical teaching. My heart is physically sick and causing me much discomfort today, and yet I am full of God's joy. Such a delight! Thank you for being used by YHWH to counter many of the adversary's attacks on the true church and God's Holy Word. JM (IL)

Dear Brother Dave,
I admire and appreciate how...you have stuck to the truth of the gospel no matter what waves of opposition may have come. ...I am sure you have prevented many from accidentally walking down mistaken paths. I would like to say also, that your thorough research, documentation, and straightforward exposition and critiquing of the now-popular social gospel message has been of particular value. I think it is perhaps even more of a danger than other aberrations of the truth because it "looks" so Christian....You are right on, and I think...that immersing oneself in the social gospel can actually anesthetize believers [from] speaking the gospel at all, being convinced that [if they are] "living it" they...need not say anything, and are effectively silenced [since] those to whom they minister "feel good" and so do they.... MS (email)

To Whom It May Concern,
To all you who make my newsletter without fail and for all the work you do at The Berean Call, I am writing to say thank you. I learn a lot every time I receive my newsletter. I appreciate the work that it takes to keep the ministry going. May the Good Lord continue to bless all you do for Him. CC (VA)