Dear TBC,
Thank you for your recent article, “New Age Mysticism Déjà vu – Part One.” I’m looking forward to part two.
My wife says it’s just me because I’ve been protesting all this. I’ve been calling it eastern mysticism—especially what’s on TV—I can’t stand it, but the article opened my eyes to what I’ve been saying. I watched Star Wars a couple of summers ago and was familiar with the phrase “the Force” but I never connected the dots. This stuff is subtly getting everywhere. My sister, who is supposed to be a believer, told me she is practicing yoga…for her well being….Maybe I will give her this article when I’m done. I am praying that God will continue to bless TBC and lead you in what to publish. JM (PA)
I was saved in 1992 at 23 years of age. I knew very little Bible. The very first popular writer I became familiar with was Dave Hunt. He was cutting edge and said things I always knew were true but so few were willing to say. Twenty-four years later, with much theological education under my belt, I thank God for blessings like Dave Hunt; a blessed gentleman who did not even enter the ministry until he was about my age now. He did not have the formal education I now have but I never did and never will outgrow a man of such research ability who loved God so much. I pray, and hope you pray, for more men of God to stand up and be counted in these last days. It does not matter their age or formal theological education. What matters is that they are called by God and they study His Word line by line and precept upon precept. I wish I could have met Dave. Sadly, I’ve got to put down Occult Invasion and read a “scholarly book” for my doctoral project. Keep up the good work at Berean Call! JR (email)
Dear Brother McMahon and Staff,
I have been receiving your newsletter for many years. I have been in active ministry, foreign and domestic, for the past forty years. I find that as a whole, the American church does not really…understand what they believe. Many words that the preacher uses on Sunday or Wednesday, the people really don’t know what those words mean. Examples are propitiation, sanctification, blasphemy, transgression, grace, born again, and on and on it goes. I hate to be negative, but I see a desperate need for discipleship in our churches. I want to thank you for your continued ministry…. JH (AR)
Dear TBC,
I was saved in 1988 and later discovered Dave Hunt’s books. I loved his writing and learned so much. I always thought that if I could meet any author it would be him! I live in an outer suburb of Sydney, Australia, and attend a small Brethren church of approximately 60/70 people. One day we had a special guest speaker. It was Dave! Apparently, there had been some sort of mixup at the church where he was supposed to speak, so he came to ours instead! Can you imagine my excitement? I’m smiling while I write this. God is so good! MO (Facebook)
Dear TBC,
Dave Hunt’s book The Seduction of Christianity gave me the words to explain the battle I was having when trying to share what was wrong in the church and in the lives of many Christians at the time. It seemed that he was the only one brave enough to call it what it is. It is a seduction.... It gave me courage to repeat the warnings despite the religious stones coming my way.
RR (Australia)
To The Berean Call,
I became a Christian in 1994. Someone introduced me to Dave Hunt and the Berean Call then. As a brand new Christian I have learned from Dave’s insights and challenging topics and have grown since then in the Lord, in my marriage, on becoming a mother, and now in raising three young men. I believe it is because of the solid teachings in my early walk with Jesus that I still am walking with Him today. I thank God for mentors like Dave who lovingly point to the Word and teach with a gentle heart. H (WI)