Memorial Day |

TBC Staff - EN


This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.  Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you (John:15:12-14)

Here, we find that our Lord recognized the tremendous sacrifice involved when a person is willing to give up their life for their friend. He describes it as an act of “great love.” Who better to be able to understand and define the very essence of self-sacrifice and love, but our Lord Himself?

Think about what Christ has done for His people. He willingly humbled Himself and came to the earth, God in human flesh, giving up the glories of heaven to live among us. Then, during His life on earth, He set the ultimate example of service, teaching, feeding, praying for and healing those who were in need.   Next, He was willing to be falsely accused, mocked, physically beaten, mistreated and convicted for a set of crimes that He did not commit. Finally, submitting to a horrible death of slow suffocation while hanging on a cross, all so that His people could receive forgiveness and deliverance from their sin and its results. This is what the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ brought about for us.

And, now for the most amazing part of all this, He did this for us, not when we were friends with Him, but when we were His enemies… When we were opposed to Him, He still choose to love us and die for us on the cross.  (Roms 5:10, Col:1:21)

Remember in the above verses Christ Himself said there was no greater love among man than to die for a friend?  How much greater is a love that would make Jesus, God the Son,  be when willing to die for an enemy, one that wants nothing to do with Him and who rebels against Him at every turn? It is described as “the love of God” that cannot be fully understood by man.  (Roms 8:39, Eph:3:19) This is the ultimate example of love for another.

On this Memorial Day weekend, let us remember the brave soldiers who have so unselfishly given of themselves for us. Let’s not only appreciate their actions but then take steps to help these veterans and their families whenever and wherever we can.

But also this weekend, let us remember the Lord Jesus Christ and all that He has done for us so that we might be saved from the eternal punishment for our sins. And then out of appreciation for His works, let us give ourselves for others, obeying the perfect law of Christ…