Most Brits and Canadians Accept Evolution – but 1 in 5 Atheists Struggle With It |

TBC Staff

Most in the UK (71 per cent) and Canada (60 per cent) accept an evolutionary account of human origins, including those who identify as religious. In contrast, just nine per cent of Brits and 15 per cent of Canadians agreed with a Creationist account that said: 'Humans and other living things were created by God and have always existed in their current form'. As the study notes, similar surveys of the US have found as many as 34 per cent taking the creationist position.

Religious people tended to take little issue with integrating their faith and evolution. Among the religious or 'spiritual', just 19 per cent of Brits and 29 per cent of Canadians found it somewhat difficult, difficult or very difficult to accept evolutionary science in reference to their faith, while 53 per cent in the UK and 41 per cent in Canada found it very easy, easy, or somewhat easy to do so.

But atheists and the non-religious showed some ambivalence towards evolutionary theory and its capacity to fully explain human origins.

Nearly one in five UK atheists (19 per cent) and more than one in three Canadian atheists (38 per cent) somewhat agree, agree or strongly agree with the statement: 'Evolutionary processes cannot explain the existence of human consciousness'.

Respectively, 34 per cent and 37 per cent among the whole non-religious sample said the same.

And more than one in 10 UK atheists (12 per cent) and nearly one in three Canadian atheists (31 per cent) somewhat agree, agree or strongly agree with the statement: 'Animals evolve over time but evolutionary science cannot explain the origins of human beings'.

Professor Fern Elsdon-Baker, director of the Science and Religion project said that the widespread acceptance of evolution was 'encouraging', but said that the apparent widespread uncertainty about evolution explaining human origins was 'startling'.

She added: 'It appears, rejection of or uncertainty about aspects of human evolution is not necessarily an issue of 'religion versus evolutionary science', but an issue of universal questions around what it is to be human and about the human experience that affect all of us, across those of all faiths and none. This fundamentally challenges the way we tend to think about evolution and creationism'.

She continued: 'It is not just that some religious people have questions about human evolution it is that some humans have questions about human evolution!'

(Hartropp, “Most Brits and Canadians accept evolution – but 1 in 5 atheists struggle with it,” ChristianToday Online, 9/6/17).

[TBC: Professor Eldson-Baker’s explanation fails to address those critical questions. First of all, it’s important to understand that evolution is not a scientific theory. It’s a belief system about the past, the origin of the universe, how life forms came to be, and they have reached their present state. The fundamental concept is that life evolves from inorganic chemicals around three billion years ago, ascending from simple to complex life forms, from simple living cells to complex human beings, with all the necessary stages in between. And all this came about by chance, slowly and gradually over billions of years—or at least that’s what’s alleged. The idea is called Uniformitarianism (see]