[TBC: The following article comes from an LDS publication and details their finding common ground with Islam.]
A new 35-page pamphlet called “Muslims and Latter-day Saints: Beliefs, Values, and Lifestyles” is available [in] Arabic, English, Farsi, French, Spanish and Turkish. German and Russian will come later. The pamphlet can also be found in these languages on the Gospel Library app by going to “Books and Lessons,” then opening “Interfaith Relations.”
The resource was first mentioned by Elders David A. Bednar and Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles at a conference on Islam at Brigham Young University in October 2021 (islamconf.byu.edu). The pamphlet introduces Muslims (followers of Islam) and Latter-day Saints (members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) to each other. The booklet is the fruit of years of work, including collaboration with Muslim imams.
“As we undertook this effort with Muslim colleagues, we noticed how much there is in common between the two faiths,” Elder Bednar says in the 30-minute video that accompanies the pamphlet. “For example: Both Latter-day Saints and Muslims have sincerely held beliefs like faith in God, prophets, scriptures and holy places. We share common values like the importance of family, chastity and helping those in need. The lifestyles of followers of both faiths include practices such as prayer, fasting and protecting our physical health. The common beliefs, values and practices in both faiths extend beyond any political, ethnic or cultural boundaries.”
While acknowledging differences between the two religions, sections in the pamphlet illustrate some of the shared beliefs. For example:
• God is omniscient and omnipotent. Faith should be expressed in thought, word and action.
• Prophets are vital in providing guidance from God.
• Jesus Christ plays an important, though different, role for both groups.
• Revelation from God given through messengers as scripture is the foundation for learning God’s will, keeping commitments and participating in faithful worship.
Church leaders frequently associate with Muslim leaders. This includes President Russell M. Nelson’s visit in 2019 with Muslim leaders in New Zealand to make a donation to rebuild their mosques damaged in terrorist attacks. In the same year, Elder Gong met with a Muslim leader while in Asia and Oceania. Elder Bednar has gathered in the past two years with leaders from Sudan in their country and on Temple Square. And Elder Ronald A. Rasband began a relationship with several Muslim leaders at the 2021 G20 Interfaith Forum in Italy.
[TBC: A more commonly held belief between Mormons and Muslims shows that in both Islam and Mormonism salvation is based on human effort (works). Consequently, no Muslim or Mormon can with certainty know that they are eternally secure. Life is to be lived with no certain hope of pleasing a god with works and gaining his acceptance.
This stands in stark contrast to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God sent His only begotten Son to die on The Cross and afterwards rise from the dead, paying our debt of sin, enabling forgiveness of sins and everlasting life by grace alone in Christ alone through faith.]