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Isaiah’s Signature?, 3/22/18, “Isaiah’s Signature? Archaeology and Scripture” [Excerpts]: Archaeologists digging “at the foot of the southern part of the wall that surrounds Jerusalem’s Old City,” found an ancient refuse dump dating back to the eighth century before Christ. 

In the refuse dump, they found 33 clay imprints or seals, known as bullae. One of these bore the inscription “Belonging to Hezekiah (son of) Ahaz king of Judah....” The latest issue of Biblical Archaeology Review features a piece by Eilat Mazar of Hebrew University [who] supervised the excavation that found Hezekiah’s seal.

Among the other clay seals was one inscribed with the name “Yesha ‘yah[u].” (יְשַׁעְיָהוּ) For those of us who didn’t study Hebrew, the name means “YHWH is salvation.” In English, the name is rendered as “Isaiah.”

In 2008, seals belonging to two high officials, Gedeliah and Shelemiah [Jeremiah 38] were found “only few feet apart.”

Thus, “it would not be the first time that seal impressions of two Biblical personas, mentioned in the same verse in the Bible, were found in an archaeological context.


Bloat And Float Dinosaurs, 3/26/18, “Genesis Flood Explains Bloat-and-Float Dinosaurs” [Excerpts]: A new research paper claims to have solved the mystery of why most ankylosaur dinosaur fossils are found upside down. Lead author Dr. Jordan Mallon, from the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa, Ontario, explains, “Textbooks have touted that ankylosaur fossils are usually found upside down, but no one has gone back and checked the records to make sure that’s the case.”

To test these hypotheses, the team examined 36 ankylosaur specimens from across the province of Alberta and found that 26 (over 70%) were deposited upside-down. They carefully examined the bones for bite marks and reported only 1 out of 32 ankylosaurs (specimens that had a sufficient number of bone fossils to study bite marks) had any evidence of carnivore activity....

The authors also noted that many ankylosaur fossils, particularly the nodosaur variety, are commonly found in marine sediments, as are most of the dinosaur fossils found across Europe. Did virtually all these dinosaurs somehow happen to fall into rivers and float out to sea as many secular scientists claim? Did 26 of 36 carcasses casually flip upside-down in the water? Or is there a better explanation for these upside-down ankylosaurs?

The global Flood seems to provide the perfect answer to this global phenomenon. The floodwaters would have quickly inundated and drowned ankylosaurs. The dinosaurs would have floated along, most of them tumbling into an upside-down position, and then been deposited in sediments quickly enough to preserve their bones as fossils. The Flood also better explains why so many dinosaur fossils are found in marine rocks and why marine fossils are commonly mixed with non-marine fossils, such as dinosaurs.


Normalization With Isael Deviates From Norm, 3/27/18, “Palestinian” Council of Religious Scholars: “Normalization with Israel deviates from the Arab and Islamic norm” [Excerpts]: “Drive them out from where they drove you out,” says the Qur’an (2:191), and since “Palestinian” agitprop claims that the Israelis drove them from their land, that Islamic imperative applies to the “Palestinian” conflict with Israel. Israel must be destroyed because of this command of Allah in the Qur’an; no negotiated settlement will change that, or prevent some Muslims from attempting to act upon this command.

The Council of Religious Scholars and Lecturers in Beit Al-Mukdas in Jerusalem warned against normalizing ties with the “occupation.”

The Council is headed by Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, who also serves as an imam in Al-Aqsa Mosque. Appointed by arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat, Sabri legitimized suicide bombings and attacks on civilians during the Second Intifada.

In a statement, the council said that “normalization with Israel deviates from the Arab and Islamic norm” and is considered “loyalty to the occupation.”

They also said that “Palestine” has always “spat out the invaders,” just like a healthy body gets rid of an illness. The solution to the occupation, they said, is to remove it from the blessed and holy land.
