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Pakistan Intensifies Blasphemy Law, 6/20/23, “Pakistan: Government Signs Agreement with Tehreek-e-Labbaik Party, Intensifies Blasphemy Law” [Excerpts]: Pakistan is already infamous for its cruel blasphemy laws, which mostly target Christians, leading to numerous instances in which Christians are victimized by false blasphemy accusations in neighbor and work disputes. Now Pakistan is becoming even more strict in its application of the Sharia...and set up a Counter Blasphemy Wing to further its crackdown against blasphemy (“use of derogatory remarks, etc., in respect of the Holy Prophet”), which includes blocking so-called blasphemous social media content.

Pakistan is well known for charges of “Islamophobia” against India, despite its own abuses, including its blasphemy laws, forced marriage and forced conversion of Hindu and Christian girls, and its intensifying jihad activity. This new agreement with Tehreek-e-Labbaik Party will also encourage greater persecution of religious minorities.

Dawkins and Design, 6/17/23, “Dawkins and Design” [Excerpts]: Romans:1:20 states that everyone should be able to understand that there is a Creator from what has been made, “so that men are without excuse”. But in this “Year of Darwin”, there’s no shortage of outspoken Darwin adulators who unashamedly proclaim the world was not created. Surely the best known of these is Richard Dawkins. In his book The Blind Watchmaker, Dawkins wrote: “Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose”, then proceeds to argue that they were not.

Dawkins has vociferously continued to proclaim the “no design, therefore no designer” line. But when Ben Stein (in his documentary Expelled) asked him, “What do you think is the possibility that Intelligent Design might turn out to be the answer to some issues in genetics, or evolution?”

Dawkins responded: “It could be that at some earlier time, somewhere in the universe, a civilization evolved by probably some kind of Darwinian means to a very, very high level of technology—and designed a form of life that they seeded onto perhaps this planet.… And I suppose it’s possible that you might find evidence for that if you look at the details of biochemistry, molecular biology, you might find a signature of some sort of designer.” For Dawkins, that’s quite a concession.

However, even if Dawkins were to accept the evidence of “a signature of some sort of designer,” it would not be the God of the Bible. “No,” Dawkins said to Stein firmly, “nothing like that.” As Stein said later, “So Professor Dawkins was not against intelligent design, just certain types of designers, such as God.”

God has not hidden his handiwork from us. Also, He has spoken through His prophets (Romans:1:2, 2 Peter:1:20–21, Hebrews:1:1), and then through His divine Son (Hebrews:1:2–8). He sent this Son, Jesus Christ—through whom and by whom and for whom all things were made (John:1:1–3, Colossians:1:16)—to die in our place, so that all who believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John:3:16). His Word can be trusted, not just in matters of morality and salvation, but also in relation to the history of the universe, despite much-heralded “Year of Darwin” proclamations.

Tracking Sexual Orientation and Gender, 6/20/23, “Feds to Begin Tracking Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity of PhD Earners” [Excerpts]: The federal government will soon begin asking for the sexual orientation and gender identity of PhD earners in addition to the typical demographic data it has tracked for decades.

The demographic data it collects already includes traditional information such as sex, race and academic field, but the recent decision to include questions pertaining to sexual orientation and gender identity comes after years of pressure from both LGBTQ activists and some lawmakers.

[Supporters] claimed if sexual orientation and gender identity data were properly collected through the listed surveys, the data could later be used by institutions, researchers, and agencies to inform diversity initiatives such as fellowships, scholarships, recruitment strategies, and interventions aimed at supporting members of the LGBTQ community.