No Tolerance for Truth? |

TBC Staff

A conviction that there is a definite way to heaven (and only one) is not tolerated in this day of professed tolerance because it insists that all roads don’t lead to the same place, that truth does exist, and that there is a distinction between what is right and what is wrong. Instead of such old-fashioned convictions, ecumenical broad-mindedness is the new wave for the new millennium. We are expected to set aside the rational necessity of being certain about our eternal destiny in favor of a mindless tolerance that promises only to avoid religious arguments in this life but offers no sensible assurance for the next.

Tolerance sounds like a virtue, and at times it may be. On the other hand, an attitude allowing a parent to be tolerant of behavior that is harming a child or the police to be tolerant of criminals who prey upon others turns virtue into the vice of aiding and abetting evil. Should doctors be tolerant of disease, or public schoolteachers tolerant of any answer on an exam, no matter how wrong? And to be tolerant of a false hope that has deceived multitudes and will lead them to destruction can hardly be the stance of one who truly loves others. This is why Paul said, “Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men…” (2 Corinthians:5:11).

--Dave Hunt, “Seeking and Finding God” pages 50-51.