The Bible not only claims to be a revelation from the infinite Creator but it gives a very detailed history concerning origins, to enable us to come to right conclusions. No other book does this. If this book is what it claims to be, then we have a revelation from an omnipotent God, who gives us the history we need to know so we can interpret the evidence of the present correctly.
For instance, the Bible gives us an account of the origin of space, time, matter, earth, dry land, water, plants, stars, sun, moon, sea creatures, flying creatures, land animals, humans, marriage, the seven-day week, clothing, sin, death, languages, nations, and much more! We learn about the Tower of Babel and the global Flood of Noah’s day. No evolutionist book covers all these topics. No other book does this, not the Koran or any Hindu book. Only the Bible gives such a detailed account of history.
If the Bible is really what it claims to be, a revelation from an omnipotent Creator, then the history that is revealed to us will make sense of the evidence of the present, and observational (empirical) science should confirm this history—and it does!
--Ken Ham