Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny |

Dave Hunt

Lennox also pointed out that not only is atheism not derived from science, it undermines science at its very foundation. The early founders of modern science were nearly all theists, and many were Christians. They believed that science was possible only because an intelligent Creator would build order into His creation. Otherwise, there would be chaos. But the whole idea of Darwinism and its natural selection is to provide a “mechanism” that eliminates the need for God. In that debate, Dawkins declared that Darwinism provides “an explanation” of life without a Creator. That belief is the foundation upon which the atheists’ “faith” rests. It is certainly a major prop behind all that Dawkins believes. Lennox firmly replied that Darwinism does not explain life. Nor can atheism explain the origin of life or of energy, space, time, and so on.