Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny |

Dave Hunt

The only purpose for such fantastic speculation is to show that neither Creator nor creative act is necessary. Of course, simply to deny that there is a Creator does not prove that to be the case. Abiogenesis is not a law. Atheism has failed in its attempt to invent some means for life to come into existence out of lifeless matter. By an already established law, the law of biogenesis, every scientist knows that life comes only from life. The post-Big Bang universe is absolutely lifeless, forever incapable of spontaneously generating life. The only honest conclusion that anyone can derive from the established facts is that life arose on earth by a supernatural creative act of God. There is no way by the laws of nature to set natural selection up in the place of a Creator God. Without a Creator, neither the physical universe nor life itself could possibly exist.