Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny |

Dave Hunt

Having no other explanation, evolutionists are forced to claim that the law of biogenesis has not been proved to be universal and must have been violated at least once and probably many times. Here is what one website that purports to answer creationist arguments declares: “Creationists represent biogenesis as a rigid law with universal scope, when, in reality, it is merely a guideline that amounts to saying that spontaneous generation (the assembly of fully formed organisms out of inanimate material in short periods of time by purely natural processes) does not occur. This kind of all-at-once process is not comparable to the slow, stepwise process of prebiotic synthesis. Perhaps in the end it may ultimately turn out that abiogenesis is impossible, and that the law of biogenesis should be taken as universal, but to take the law as having such a scope at the moment, when origin of life studies are relatively new and progressing just fine, and only all-at-once spontaneous generation has been ruled out, would be premature.”