Israel is by far the major topic in the Bible. How overwhelmingly this is true may be seen in the following comparisons: grace and gracious together are found 201 times; salvation and saved occur 268 times; love, loved, and lovest are found 420 times; peace is found 429 times; Christ and Jesus are found 1,538 times; Israel and Jacob are found 2,923 times.
It is not surprising, then, that Israel is the major topic of Bible prophecy. There are hundreds of promises of her full and final restoration in the “promised land” in the “last days,” with the Messiah reigning over her in righteousness. It is to Israel that Christ returns to conquer the Antichrist, to establish His kingdom, and to rule the world from Jerusalem. Nor have any been lost. The myth of the “ten lost tribes,” if true, would prove the Bible false.
Paul referred to the twelve tribes as existing in his day and hoping for their restoration (Acts:26:7Unto which promise our twelve tribes, instantly serving God day and night, hope to come. For which hope's sake, king Agrippa, I am accused of the Jews.
See All...). James wrote his epistle “to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad” (James:1:1James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.
See All...). If the twelve tribes of Israel did not exist to be gathered to the land God gave them, there could be no second coming of Christ to rescue and rule over them. Christ’s promise to His disciples that they would sit on the throne “judging the twelve tribes of Israel” (Luke:22:30That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
See All...) would be a lie and would prove that He was not the Savior. Likewise, God would have been proven a liar, and Satan would have achieved a stalemate in his battle with God for control of the universe.