Nuggets from Countdown to the Second Coming—A Lesson from the Past (Part 3) |

Dave Hunt

One of the most influential churchmen of the past 50 years, praised by Billy Graham and other evangelical leaders, persuaded multitudes of professing Christians to believe:

The world you live in is mental and not physical. Change your thought and you change everything....Your unconscious mind...[has] a power that turns wishes into realities when the wishes are strong enough....

Who is God? Some theological being...? God is energy. As you breathe God in, as you visualize His energy, you will be reenergized...!

Just as there exist scientific techniques for the release of atomic energy, so are there scientific procedures for the release of spiritual energy through the mechanism of prayer...experiment with prayer power....

His chief disciple, echoing his mentor, declared:

Possibility thinking makes miracles happen.... The greatest power in the world is the power of possibility thinking.