Nuggets from Countdown to the Second Coming—A Lesson from the Past (Part 4) |

Dave Hunt

What happened to the will of God? Promoting the same occult delusion in the name of Christ, one of the most popular TV evangelists wrote a book

…to teach some of the basic principles that enable you to...experience the flow of God’s enter the world of miracles....You can perform miracles if you but understand the...basic principles that enable you to...experience the flow of God’s energy....          

He declared:

I began to realize...the Bible is not an impractical book of theology, but rather a practical book of life containing a system of thought and conduct that will guarantee success [with] principles so universal they might better be considered as laws...such people as Napoleon Hill, who wrote Think and Grow Rich, have gleaned only a few of the truths of the kingdom of God....Some of the metaphysical principles of the kingdom, taken by themselves, can produce fantastic temporal benefits....

Napoleon Hill was an occultist who learned his “metaphysical principles” from demons who came to him from the spirit world posing as masters of a “temple of wisdom.”

Peale, Schuller, Robertson, Hagin, Copeland, and others, have brought into the church ancient occultism as part of the “signs and wonders” and “prosperity” movement foretold for the last days. That they are accepted so widely by Christians and praised by so many church leaders is another sign that we are in the last of the “last days” foretold in Scripture.

Many Christians now assume that our thoughts and words, not God, control our destiny—that we are little gods capable under Him of creating our own world. One seminar by a well-known Christian success/motivational speaker promises, “How To Get What You Want.” A popular booklet by another Christian leader is titled, “How To Write Your Own Ticket With God.” Such a philosophy seems at obvious odds with Christ’s prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane:

Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup [of the cross] from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt. (Mark:14:36)