We have also witnessed in recent years the formative stages of the fulfillment of that other strategic prophecy that I heard so much about in my youth: the revival of the ancient Roman Empire prophesied for the “last days.” It has been fascinating to watch the concept of a loose union of six Western European nations under the “Treaty of Rome” gradually expand to include, as of this writing, 15 member countries, with 10 more scheduled to join shortly. A new charter is being written, and the issue of whether and in what manner to give “God” any mention is being debated. The pope argues that the charter should stress that Christianity holds a privileged position” in Europe—a meaningless statement that neither defines “Christianity” nor its supposed privileges, but that could help to prepare for Antichrist.4 Although many students of Bible prophecy have equated the European Union (EU) with the revived Roman Empire, the Caesars controlled a far wider kingdom—the world of their day.