Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt
What must it be like to be part of a people group that is hated and maligned worldwide, with so many lies told about them that it would be impossible to answer them all—and would do little good to try! It would be maddening, frustrating, and, yes, frightening. Hitler did not act alone in the Holocaust by any means, as we shall see, but with the consent and cooperation of other world powers, including the United States.
More than one hundred official anti-Semitic documents have been issued by the Roman Catholic Church throughout its history. The knights and knaves who constituted the First Crusade, inspired by Pope Urban II (who promised heaven to those who died in this cause), slaughtered Jews all across Europe. When they took Jerusalem, they drove the Jews into the synagogue and set it ablaze. Centuries of Jew-hatred, inspired by the Roman Catholic Church wherever it was in power, helped to prepare the way for Hitler's Holocaust.
Pope John Paul II tried to woo the Jews worldwide by his kindly but deceitful rhetoric. He even told them that Catholics "look upon you as our brothers and sisters in the Lord" (in his address to Australia's Jewish Leaders Nov. 26, 1986 in Sydney)—hardly compatible with the Apostle Paul's desire "that they [Jews] might be saved (Romans:10:1Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.
See All...). There was no way, however, that the pope could undo centuries of his Church's hatred and mistreatment of Jews. Such sweet phrases are not only inconsistent with history and official church doctrine, but they were contradicted by his friendship with Arafat.