Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Israel, Islam, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt
Unreasonable and persistent animosity toward Jews and Israel is not confined to the ignorant and uneducated. One would expect the United Nations, with its supposed strong stand for the rights of all people, to be a leader in dispelling anti-Semitism. Instead, it has been a bastion of Jew hatred, systematically singling out Israel for punitive treatment while at the same time embracing terrorist nations with never a rebuke. Incredibly, Zionism (the belief that Jews, like the rest of the world, have a right to their own national homeland) was condemned as racism by UN General Assembly Resolution 3379 on Novermber 10, 19975. Sixteen long years later (December 16, 1991) that vote was finally reversed—over Muslim protests. Zionism, however, continued to be a capital crime in Iraq.