Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt
Hitler's "Mein Kampf" in Arabic remains a perpetual bestseller in Muslim countries, especially among "Palestinians." Hitler was, in fact, a partner with Haj Amin Mohammed Effendi al-Husseini (great uncle and mentor of Yasser Arafat and still a hero to Muslims), a murderous terrorist, appointed Grand Mufti of Jerusalem by Britain, and personally responsible for the concentration camp slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Jews [from the Mufti's private diary, see book for citation information]....Hitler and Husseini pledged to work together to exterminate Jews not only in Europe but in the Middle East as well. The mufti tried to set up a Nazi puppet regime in Iraq. When that rebellion failed, he escaped to Teheran, from there to Rome, and then to Berlin. "During the three and one-half years (Oct. 1941-May 1945) of serving the Axis, he built up a truly worldwide network of anti-Allied activities, including broadcasting, espionage, and formation of Arab and Moslem military units. After the collapse of the Third Reich, he [escaped] once more to Cairo, where he was greeted by the entire Arab leadership as the greatest Arab patriot and hero." (Joseph B. Schechter, "The Mufti and the Fuehrer")