Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt
The United States government had full knowledge from reliable intelligence of the extermination of the Jews at least as early as August 1942. The State Department (which remains firmly anti-Israel to this day) deliberately suppressed the information and, incredible as it may seem, actively worked to prevent the rescue of the Jews. Dated February 10, 1943, State Department telegram 354 shut down the secret channels of communication with informants and indicated that further information about the extermination of Jews was of no interest and should not be accepted in diplomatic channels....
American journalist Dorothy Thompson wrote in Hitler's day, "It is a fantastic commentary on the inhumanity of our times that for thousands and thousands of people a piece of paper with a stamp on it is the difference between life and death." And even the proper piece of paper proved worthless as the bloodlust reached new heights worldwide....