Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt |

Hunt, Dave

Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt

In the last two verses of Genesis 11, we meet a man named Abram. At the age of seventy-five, in obedience to God, he leaves his homeland in Ur of the Chaldees and by faith takes his wife, servants, and flocks on a long journey to a land of which God had said, "I will show thee." God's purpose, reaching into our own day, goes far beyond anything Abram imagines, but he believes what God has said: "I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee....And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed." Because he believes implicitly what God has said, God credits Abram with righteousness.

Surprise! The land into which God led Abram was NOT "Palestine." There was no such place. Nor was there such a people as "Palestinians." In all of history, there never were a Palestinian people, nation, government, language, culture, religion, or economy. There are those today who call themselves "Palestinians" and claim that they descended from a Palestinian people who lived for thousands of years in a land called Palestine. In fact, that claim is an outright hoax. Yet the world accepts this lie as the basis of a false peace that they have been attempting for years to force upon Israel....

Abram (whose name God changed to Abraham) settled in Hebron in the land of Canaan. Everyone knows that Hebron and Canaan are nowhere near Saudi Arabia. Yet the Qur'an and Islam claim that Abraham and his firstborn son, Ishmael, together built the Ka'aba in Mecca. This is pure fabrication, of which the Qur'an has many more. For example, the Qur'an claims that Noah had another son, who refused to enter the ark and died in the flood, that Mary the mother of Jesus was the sister of Moses and gave birth to Jesus under a palm tree, that the golden calf was built by a Samaritan seven hundred years before Samaritans even existed, etc....Tragically, Muslims are continuously being pacified by honoring Islam's lies in an unconscionable disregard for truth.
