March 31
Nuggets from “Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations” by Dave Hunt
One outstanding American Christian businessman who worked for the rebirth of State of Israel as a haven for Jews suffering in many lands was Carl Hermann Voss. He was active in founding the American Christian Palestine Committee. Its membership eventually grew to twenty thousand leaders, among whom was Johns Hopkins University archaeologist William F. Albright. Voss lectured widely and persuasively and fought the US State Department, which then, as now, was opposed to Israel. In his Balfour Day address on November 2, 1943, Voss argued in part:
“The Arabs today have…more than a million square miles….The Jews have none. Out of the last war the Arabs gained freedom and independence for Iraq, Saudi Arabia and later Transjordan….The Arabs are destined to make great new gains at the conclusion of this conflict [WWII], and [should] thank the Jewish soldiers…who laid down their lives to help repel Rommel when his tanks were thundering across Egypt. For the Arabs to permit a Jewish State in Palestine, “a tiny notch” in the vast Arab expanse, involves no sacrifice to the Arabs; on the contrary, it provides them with a progressive and democratic neighbor eager to create a joint future in which the hopes of both peoples may be realized. For the Jews to give up Palestine would be to invite a new calamity for a people whose great misfortune is its homelessness.” (Quoted in David A. Rausch, The Middle East Maze: Israel and Her Neighbors (Chicago: Moody Press, 1991), 73-74.
On October 30, 1977, Billy Graham addressed the National Executive Council meeting of the American Jewish committee and called for the rededication of the United States to the existence and safety of Israel. At the Bicentennial Congress of Prophecy in Philadelphia the year before, a proclamation in support of Israel had been signed by eleven prominent fundamentalist evangelicals. It then quickly received seven thousand additional signatures and was presented to the ambassador of the State of Israel. Statements of support also appeared in full-page newspaper advertisements, several in the New York Times.