Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt |

Hunt, Dave

Nuggets from “Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations” by Dave Hunt

The everlasting covenant, by which God gave Israel the Promised Land, calls for David’s heir, the promised Messiah, ruling an eternal kingdom on his reestablished throne over the twelve tribes of Israel and the entire world from Jerusalem (2 Samuel:7:4-17). Nor is it any less clear that this One, as we have seen, must be “The mighty God, The everlasting Father” if He is to be “The Prince of Peace” and reign forever over the world from David’s throne (Isaiah:9:6-7). That fact, however, is unpalatable to Jews and Gentiles alike, who want the Messiah to be a good man who sets an example for us to follow, but surely not God come as a man, much less that the depths of man’s sin will be revealed in his crucifying the Creator. The Qur’an, while admitting that Jesus was without sin, specifically denies that He is either God or the Son of God.

In spite of Israel’s rejection of her Messiah and the years of unbelief and rebellion against Him, God will not go back on His Word to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Christians who deny that the Jews are still the people of God or that they have any special significance are denying God’s Word. Those who deny God’s promises of the full and final restoration of Israel to her land are denying to God the glory that is His in keeping His Word to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Christians who deny that the Jews are still the people of God or that they have any special significance are denying God’s Word. Those who deny God’s promises of the full and final restoration of Israel to her land are denying to God the glory that is His in keeping His Word to Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. Did He not say, “I AM….the LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob…this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations” (Exodus:3:15)? That memorial would be worse than meaningless—it would mock the God of Israel—if Israel did not continue to exist and finally be restore fully.

The nations of the world are openly defying what God has plainly and repeatedly declared in His Word concerning the land that He gave to Israel by an everlasting covenant. In rejecting Israel, they are rejecting the Messiah and the salvation that God offers to all who will believe on Him. They will bear the consequences of this defiance.