Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt
Today's Arab "Palestinians" are close relatives of the Arabs living in neighboring countries, from which most of them—or their immediate ancestors—came. They make a number of conflicting claims, which by their very absurdity betray their illegitimacy. Even had there been a land a Palestine occupied by Palestinians, the Arabs could not have descended from them. Arabs claim that they are descended from Ishmael, Abraham's first son, and that they are therefore the legitimate heirs to the land that God gave to Abraham. They do have much Ishmaelite blood in them, but there is no direct genealogy tracing today's Arabs back to Ishmael. They are a mixed race.
We've already seen that Isaac was the son of promise. Even if the Arabs were 100 percent Ishmaelites, they would still not be descended from the land's original inhabitants. God promised the land to Abraham before Ishmael was born. It already had many inhabitants. So how could descendants of Ishmael (born to immigrants centuries after Canaan had been setteled) be at the same time descendants of the "original inhabitants" of the Promised Land? Impossible!
Ishmael himself was not descended from Canaan's orginal inhabitants. His father, Abraham, was from Ur of the Chaldees, and his mother, Hagar, was an Egyptian. Neither of them was among the "original inhabitants of Canaan," nor even remotely related to such a people—nor could any of Ishmael's descendants be so related. Today's Palestinians are promoting a lie! But it is a lie that the world loves and gladly uses as a club against Israel.