Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt |

Hunt, Dave

Nuggets from “Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations” by Dave Hunt

When the Palestinian Authority took over Bethlehem just before Christmas 1995, Arafat helicoptered in and triumphantly addressed a wildly cheering mob of tens of thousands: “This is the birthplace of our Lord the Messiah, the Palestinian, the Palestinian!” His speech made it appear that Jesus was a Palestinian freedom fighter against Israel. Yet Pope John Paul II gladly accepted Arafat’s invitation to join him in Bethlehem to celebrate “our Jesus Christ.” OUR Jesus Christ?

The “Palestinian Jesus” to whom he referred (“Isa” in the Qur’an) is not the Son of God who died for sin in our place. Someone died in Isa’s place. Taken alive to heaven, he must return to die a natural death. Yet Arafat’s misrepresentation of Jesus did not prevent the Pope from blessing the “Palestinian fight for freedom”!

Islam and its Allah are notorious for their hatred of Israel and all Jews. Clearly, Allah is not the biblical God. The jealous hatred of Ishmael’s descendants against the heirs of Isaac has left a blot on history unequaled even by Hitler.