Nuggets from “Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations” by Dave Hunt
On June 6, 1982, under the direction of then Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, Israel invaded Lebanon, determined to drive the PLO out of that country as King Hussein I had driven them out of Jordan. There was a further reason: to remove huge hidden caches of arms known to be stashed in Lebanon – enough to equip a million-man army, much of it too sophisticated for the PLO to operate. It was obviously intended for a planned major Soviet invasion of Israel. Thousands of truckloads were required to haul it all into Israel.
As the battle raged and the Israelis tightened the noose, the PLO retreated toward Beirut. Arafat’s men would take their people off the street, strap them into hospital beds, command the nurses to drain every drop of blood for transfusions for their wounded, and stack the dead bodies like cordwood in the halls. Sharon would have destroyed the PLO murderers and killed Arafat, but President Reagan insisted that the worst terrorist of our day be allowed to leave Lebanon alive.
Arafat was given shelter in Tunisia, where he set up PLO headquarters in Borj Cedria. He was still directing worldwide terrorist operations from Tunisia when, incredibly, Israel took Arafat on at its partner for peace and recognized the PLO as the official representative of the Palestinian people. He was allowed to leave Tunisia and set up his new headquarters in Ramallah in the West Bank, where he received a hero’s welcome.
Instead of being tried by an international tribunal and treated like the Nazi, Serbian, Taliban, and Iraqi leadership, as justice would require, Arafat was given the status of a highly honored world statesman. His bloody exploits gained for him international acceptance as a leader for peace and the Nobel Peace Prize!