Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt |

Hunt, Dave

Nuggets from “Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations” by Dave Hunt (written in 2005)

When I present the undeniable truth about Islam to audiences around the world, I see reactions ranging from discomfort to outright disbelief – and even accusations that I am lying. It is extremely painful for a normal person to acknowledge that a religion in our day literally calls for the extermination of an entire people and the subjugation of the world by force. Islam itself is Israel’s chief and most determined enemy – and it is the enemy of Muslims, too, as well as of all non-Muslims. Though many Muslims living in the West do not reflect the passion of world dominion in the cause of Allah which is their duty – and may not even be aware of this aspect of Islam – they would soon learn the awful truth if they resettled in a Muslim country. Instead of enjoying their former Western freedoms, they would have to conform to real Islam!

Why is there such a migration of Muslims to the West? Obviously, they prefer living in freedom under a democracy to living under the totalitarian regimes in Muslim countries. Speaking frankly, with rare courage, and calling upon Muslims living in the United States to face the awful truth of what Islam does to a country, Dr. M.A. Muqtedar Khan, Director of International Studies, Adrian College, Michigan, put it succinctly: “It is time that we Muslims acknowledge that the freedoms we enjoy in the US are more desirable to us than superficial solidarity with the Muslim world. If you disagree, then prove it by packing your bags and going to whichever Muslim country you identify with.” He is among a growing number of scholarly Muslims who are raising their voices against terrorism by Muslims in the name of Allah. Of course, in doing so they are criticizing Muhammad himself.