Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt |

Hunt, Dave

Nuggets from “Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations” by Dave Hunt

Hitler’s passion to exterminate all Jews, though expressed so often and so clearly, was either not believed, or it was tolerated because no one cared enough to do anything about it. Of course, after the fact, it was universally condemned in the West with the excuse that the truth about the Holocaust hadn’t really been known – but that was a lie, and the professed good intentions came too late to help any of the six million victims.

And now, what is to be done with regard to Muhammad’s even clearer declaration that every Jew in the world must be killed? When will that be believed as current and irrevocable Islamic doctrine and denounced by the media and world leaders? And when will our foreign policy be based on truth instead of cover-ups and excuses for Muslim lies?

As in Hitler’s time, so today, no voice is raised in the United Nations or in Europe against the clearly pronounced vows of Muslin leaders that an entire people must be exterminated. Naively, Muhammad’s unequivocal statement is treated as though it no longer applies to our day, when indeed it does. No Muslim leader has the authority, nor would any dare, to abrogate a single verse in the Qur’an or anything that Muhammad taught and practices as recorded in the hadith.

Nor are the repeated threats and efforts of the PLO and Arab leaders to annihilate Israel met with the international outrage they deserve. Instead, the persistent demands of Arabs for the destruction of Israel are honored as a legitimate cry on behalf of aggrieved “Palestinians” who must be appeased through the “peace” plans that the West intends to impose upon Israel.