Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt
On June 8, the morning of the fourth day of the war, the USS Liberty, an Auxiliary Technical Research Ship (AGTR-5), arrived off the Sinai coast. It began to sweep Israel, sucking in every Israeli military communication and relaying it all to the British Secret Service’s giant electronic listening post on Cyprus, which had the capability of filtering, decoding, and analyzing the mass electronics the Liberty was accumulating. This was then transmitted to Arab armed forces, giving complete maps of every Israeli military movement in advance. With that help, the Arabs might have been able to use their overwhelming numerical superiority to turn the tide of the war. At least casualties on both sides would have been much larger.
The CIA had already been leaking secret Israeli information to the Jordanians, but what the Liberty was doing was carrying the diplomatic game too far. Israel had no choice except to put this American ship out of commission, which she finally did. Of course, the media was filled with criticism of this heartless attack. No one believed Israel’s lame excuse (though America, oddly, accepted it!) that the Liberty had been mistaken for a hostile Egyptian ship. Neither the US nor Israel cared to tell the truth, so the criticism persists to this day.
The Liberty incident is shrouded in secrecy. No one can prove anything, but we can arrive at the truth by simple logic based upon what we do know for sure. First of all, there is no question that Israel knew the Liberty to be an American ship. Israeli fighter planes flew over the Liberty in broad daylight at low level all morning. They made no less than nine reconnaissance flights, obviously making certain of the Liberty’s mission and warning it to leave the war zone. It must have engaged in activity hostile to Israel, or planes would not eventually have put it out of commission. Otherwise, what would have been Israel’s motive?
No logical reason has been given by critics of Israel as to why this American ship, which Admiral Thomas Moorer described as “the most sophisticated intelligence ship in the world in 1967,” was just off the coast of Israel four days into a war between Israel and the Arabs surrounding her! The Israelis (who certainly knew that the Liberty was not helping them) must have had an urgent security reason for attacking this American ship and incurring the wrath of their only ally and chief supporter. Obviously, the White House must have been caught betraying Israel or it surely would not have accepted Israel’s contrived excuse that it mistook the Liberty for a hostile Egyptian ship. Clearly, there was a mutual cover-up originating at the highest levels of the Israeli and US governments.