Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt
As we have seen, it is a Roman Catholic doctrine that neither the land of Israel nor the Jewish people are any longer of any special significance to the “God of Israel” because the Church has taken Israel’s place. The Jews have been blamed for crucifying Christ, when in fact they had no such authority. It was the Romans who did so. What the Jews did was to reject Him as their king and demand that He be crucified – and thus He became the Savior of the world, dying for the sins of all. The vast majority of mankind still rejects Him….
The Council of Vienna (AD 1311) forbade all intercourse between Roman Catholics and Jews. The Council of Zamora (1313) ruled that Jews must be kept in strict subjection and servitude. The Council of Basel (1431-33) instructed secular authorities to confine the Jews in separate quarters, to compel them to wear a distinguishing badge (as would Hitler), and to assure their attendance at sermons designed to convert them.
Pope Eugenius IV (1431-47) prohibited Jews from holding public office or inheriting property from Catholics and ordered confiscation of the property of any Italian Jew found reading Talmudic literature. The mistreatment, persecution, and murder of Jews by the Roman Catholic Church throughout its history goes far beyond anything we can recite here.